White Papers

Do you need to generate more leads this year?

Turns out you're not alone. Acquiring new customers is the top priority for businesses in 2009, according to BtoB Magazine.

The real question is: “What can be done to attract great leads?” Yes, it's easier than ever for prospects to find information on the Internet, and that makes it much harder for your business to stand out. Research proves that white papers are a top lead-generation tool--especially during an economic slump like the one we’re in right now, the one that’s bugging you every day.

Why do white papers generate more leads? Because prospects actively seek out white papers to become knowledgeable before a purchase. And you want them to be knowledgeable, as long as that knowledge favors you and your offerings. This is a key point. People actively seek out and read white papers PRIOR to buying, making white papers the perfect prospecting tools.


Proof that White Papers work: The Research

A slew of studies came out this year, affirming the importance of white papers.

"White papers remain the most effective piece of marketing collateral, with 86% of respondents finding them moderately to highly influential in the purchasing decision," stated a recent Eccolo Media study.

Frost & Sullivan analyst Naylor Gray recently said, "The most important thing is to focus on ROI and focus on things that will make the company money, such as sales lead-generation programs, webinars and white papers."

What’s the difference between a White Paper and an eBook?

There’s really very little difference between a White Paper and an eBook. Both documents deliver a corporate-centric perspective. White Papers tend to be shorter and eBooks tend to be longer but there are long White Papers and short eBooks. If your targets prefer the term White Paper, then write White Papers. If your target audience prefers the term eBook, then by all means write eBooks. There’s not much difference from a content perspective.

How about the viral aspects of white papers? Earlier this year, an InformationWeek survey revealed that 93% of buyers pass along as many as half of the white papers they read (Wow! Those could be your white papers).

White papers are so effective that nearly half (46%) of marketers are launching white paper initiatives in 2009, according to a Junta42 study.

OK, this is all very compelling. But do you know how to create white papers that generate quality leads? How do you do it quickly? How do you do it now?

You hire me to do it for you. I’m an expert on creating compelling, persuasive white papers on a wide range of topics. I’ve got the training to create white papers that put the finger right on the facts that will bring prospects to your door. My white papers will get prospects jumping into your sales funnel the way salmon jump upriver to their spawning grounds.

I can create that lead-generating white paper for you in less than a week and can then show you how to get it in front of your prospects so that you can start the sales process.

Set up an appointment with me now to discuss your needs. Call 408-910-5992 or email me at steven.leibson@gmail.com.


Creating and marketing winning White Papers

There are a lot of really bad white papers out there. Maybe you've read a few? This is not an "if you build it they will come," method of marketing. Bad white papers don’t generate leads.

However, the right type of white paper with the right marketing techniques will indeed bring enormous opportunity to your business.

The educational white paper is the most effective lead generation tool you can use today. There are proven methods that you can employ to create this type of marketing white paper. The good news is that it can provide you a steady stream of opportunity literally for years.

So how can you get such a white paper? How can you get those leads jumping into your sales funnel now?

Call me.

I have the training and experience to create a white paper for you that’s a lead-generating machine. I’ve written dozens of successful white papers. I can create an effective white paper for you - often in less than a week - and can show you how to get it in front of your prospects.

Call me now to set up an appointment to discuss your lead-generation needs. Pick up the phone and call 408-910-5992 or email me at steven.leibson@gmail.com.



©2009 - 2022
Steve Leibson
 (408) 910-5992
